Collective Learning through Antiracist Productions 2022 - 2025
Clap is a European project in which Karpos is a partner with two other organizations Media Animation from Belgium and 4Change from Portugal . The project’s aim is to use short films as a tool to raise awareness against about racism and discrimination.
A Platform is created that is available in French, Portuguese, English and Greek were you can enroll for FREE and access a big number of short films focusing on diversity as well as a series of handy guidelines and activities for short film production.
During the project an online curriculum will be produced with activities and good practices for the production of short films related to inclusion and diversity. Over 250 trainers who work with vulnerable groups will be trained in person and online. At least 300 participants will produce audiovisual material through these trainings. The 3 partners will organize events in their countries to showcase the results of the project.
We have launched the open call for trainers in Greece to participate in the training in September 2023.
The training deals with the following questions:
How do we discuss racism through audiovisual productions?
How do we approach diversity without repeating tired cliches ?
What are the basic tools to use if you want to work as a group and create a film ?
Duration and content:
2 face-to face trainings with audiovisual exercises
2hours of online study of theory
2 hours of online study of the introductory audiovisual toolkit
Evaluation and participation in the final version of the toolkit
AFTER THE TRAINING ... the educators will try out with their team the exercises of the audiovisual toolkit. These avtivities aim at practicing and understanding those tools and preparing the team to create a short film.

In June 2024, five trainers from Greece will travel and meet trainers from the other two countries that participate in the project and exchange views and good practices.

Η φωτογραφία είναι από την ταινία Mes mots/maux (My words/pains)

H φωτογραφία είναι από την ταινία Eh, Fellaini!