Erasmus+ 2019-2021
Women in the Media is a European project that aims to empower women and make the tv and film industry more accessible to them. Karpos is one of the 7 partners in the project and the rest are: EU15 Ltd and Filmworks Trust from UK, le LABA from France, Business & Professional Women CR from the Czech Republic, Eesti People to People from Estonia and Arte Urbana Collectif from Bulgaria. THE PROJECT IN A FEW WORDS
Research & Questionnaire
Good practices Guide & Trainings
Οnline platform
A mapping of the needs and problems that women face when they try to access the film and tv industry was done by all partners during the first phase of the project. The online questionnaire aimed at: mapping the access to information concerning education and finding work, the possibilities of networking and what they would like to be included in the training. You can see the questionnaire here.
Just to cite some results of the survey: It seems that a big percentage of women that want to work or are already working in the industry, wish for a training that combines theory and practice and at the same time there is a more apt connection between research and the professional field ( 49% mentioned the above as their needs). A big percentage indicated the need for networking. Finding work comes up first as the biggest difficulty women face (34%) that is due to lack of job offers and job announcements. In these responses the need for networking comes back as a need in order to find work in the field. The answer to the question if they had experienced gender based discrimination, is yes (77%).
In general the biggest issues that came out of the survey can be summed up to the following: